
Many parents who live in the eastern area of Fukushima are concerned about safety of water and they feel uneasy about their children drinking tap water although the authoritis run tests regularly and verify that tap water is drinkable.
We delivered plastic bottles of water for these parents and gift wreaths to Soma nursery, Soma city Tamano elementary school and junior high school. Also we delivered
samples of Tupperwares from "Rubbermade".

We visited Soma nursery first.

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In the parking lot, we transshipped bottled water to two small trucks and two vans.
The picture on the right is us standing in front of our car.

On our way to the elementary school in Tamano section, it started snowing.
As It was also windy, the cold pierced us all the more.

We arrived at the elementary school.

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We delivered each wreath to the elementary and junior high schools.
The head master of the elementary school said,
"It's beautiful. Children would be pleased. Thank you."
As for the other wreath, we passed it to the vice headmaster of the junior high school.

The nursery ,the elementary and the junior high school are all in one site.
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A kindergarten to which we planned to make delivery broke up in November, so we left the water in classrooms so that they can have them when they are back.

"People in this area used to live on the water from wells, but they use private water -supply system now and the authorities run a test on the water weekly. The radioactivity has not been detected so far. However some parents won't let their children drink it. So your support of water supply helps us greatly. "said the head master of the elementary school.

We think it's necessary to keep delivering bottled water for the time being.
We would appreciate your support to maintain our volunteer works.
※(NPOMEX is responsible for all articles. )

It's been more than 2 months since we started exercise programs at Soma nursery in October. Today we delivered a gift wreath of preserved flowers given in trust by "The Nippon Foundation" We also delivered 70 beanbags (network of needlework called "Chikuchiku kai" made for our exercise programs as a favour ) then started the exercises.

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children with the wreath and beanbags.

We had done mat exercises previously, so we moved on to throwing exercises this time.


We used beanbags for these throwing exercises.
Children threw beanbags, aiming to get them through each decorated Hula-Hoop with an animal's face.

Children and nursery school teachers were very pleased with these gifts.
"Thank you for your support. Children are delighted and so are we.
Children tell their parents what they do here after they go back home,
so their parents will also pleased with the gifts and your work"
said Nakae, nursery school director.

Thank you for your corporation
《The Nippon Foundation》
Chikuchiku kai》 
session reports of "Chikuchiku kai" are on our blogs.


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People in beginner's programs were divided into two groups for a passing ball exercise.
This exercise trains their abdominal muscles because they laugh so much during the exercise.

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Squatting on intermediate level

People in intermediate level of exercise program.
Squatting on the left. Swiss Ball exercise on the right.
Their posture in squatting have been getting better.

People living in temporary housings need regular exercises
We sincerely appreciate your support.


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